Pet Policy

Pet Policy at Spruce Meadows: For Their Safety

At Spruce Meadows, we share the love for animals and appreciate the joy they bring to our lives. In consideration of their well-being and safety, we kindly request that visitors refrain from bringing pets onto the grounds during our events.


The dynamic environment at Spruce Meadows, with various events, activities, and a multitude of guests (both human and animal), may create situations that could be stressful for pets. To ensure a positive, and safe experience for all our guests, we've implemented this policy.

Service Animals:

We recognize and respect the invaluable support that service animals provide. Visitors with service animals are, of course, welcome. We adhere to the guidelines set by the Alberta government regarding service animals.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in making Spruce Meadows a safe and enjoyable environment for all. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team at 403-974-4200.