As the Gateperson, you are responsible for the entrance and exit of athletes into and out of the competitive arena. With the aid of the Hitching Ring attendant, you are the final check to ensure that competitors are entering the arena in the correct order.
As Gateperson, you communicate via headset with the Hitching Ring. Confirm with the rider that the ‘on-deck’ horse (next in) is ready at the gate; if not, inform the Hitching Ring attendant. As the athlete enters the ring, remind them of the Pre-load (if applicable) and salute location and wish them good luck. As gateperson, you must also communicate the number of the horse entering the ring to the Judges’ Booth. For Presentations, you are the final check to ensure that the correct order of athletes are entering the ring.
When opening the gate, it is necessary to note the location of the nearest horse, as the raising of the gate can alarm some horses. If a horse is loose on-course, leave the gate closed until the loose horse is back under control. If there is an emergency, keep the gate closed and stay in contact with the Hitching Ring attendant. This position requires an attentive person who has patience and good communication skills. Any knowledge of the sport would be an advantage, but is not required.
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