'Pan American' - Day 1

June 27, 2024

Taking the Rains: Another Victory For Ireland Under Stormy Skies

Today’s 1.50m winner David O’Brien credits Canada’s tough climate with crafting our current crop of top-tier show jumpers

Ireland’s David O’Brien (IRL), with Estoril Delle Roane, on their victory lap. Spruce Meadows Media/Mike Sturk

June 27, 2024

June 27, 2024 (Spruce Meadows) —  A delighted David O’Brien put on a show for his family today, with the Irishman triumphing in the 1.50m Mission:Possible competition under the grey skies that have so far dominated this summer season.

O’Brien, who is originally from Galway County, got parents Tomas and Frances to fly to Calgary to see him compete at Spruce Meadows for the first time, with the all-too-common rain holding out until after his winning ride this afternoon.

“I was told when coming here that I was coming up against a different beast,” O’Brien, 36, said after his clear round on the vast All Canada Ring course. “It’s hard to describe. There’s nothing like this.

“I never know if I will get here again so I told my parents, if you want to come, come. And to be able to run the class today was great.”

O’Brien’s victory on day one of the ‘Pan American’, presented by Rolex, is the latest in a string of Irish triumphs at the Spruce Meadows Summer Series so far, including Conor Swail nailing two 5* wins, and Daniel Coyle taking one.

Today it was O’Brien’s turn — while three of the four newly named Team Canada Olympic show jumping squad nipped at his heels, with Amy Millar, Mario Deslauriers and Tiffany Foster coming fourth, sixth and seventh.

“Team Canada are knocking on the door,” O’Brien said. “You can see them coming into form right now.

“Up here, with the climate, altitude and everything else, you have to be a bit tougher. Everything is so open.

“They’re going to be flying in Paris.”

Second and third place in today’s contest went to Mexico. Antonio Maurer, on Aircraft One, and Luis Alejandro Plascencia O, on Beautiful Red, rounded out the podium finishers on the 510m course designed by Canadian mastermind Gregory Bodo.

For complete results from today visit: sprucemeadows.com/live/

Head-to-head: Katie Laurie (AUS) and John Perez Bohm (COL), on Cera Caruso and Douee Du Mesnil, respectively, won the Mission:Possible 1.45m competitions earlier in the day. Spruce Meadows Media/Mike Sturk

Victory for Mexico,
But Canada Delivers the ‘Golden Nugget’….

Winner of The Herd 1.45m competition, Arturo Parada Vallejo (MEX) atop Pandora 258. Spruce Meadows Media/Tony Lewis

Kannamara’s Kaka: Spruce Meadows President and CEO, Linda Southern-Heathcott, oversees cheeky Competitions Manager Conor Charlton as he uses a golden shovel to collect the first horse droppings to land on the new North American Ring, courtesy of Kannamara Equites. It’s a longstanding turd-ition! Spruce Meadows Media/Tony Lewis

THE beautifully renovated North American Ring saw its first action today, with Mexico’s Arturo Parada Vallejo, on Pandora 258, taking top spot in The Herd 1.45m competition.

But it was the second-place finisher, Kannamara Equites, ridden by Canada’s Piet Van Genugten, who delivered the, ahem, ‘golden nugget’ — the first-ever doo-doo to 'fertilize’ our lovely new grass. 

The Spruce Meadows team — including President and CEO Linda Southern-Heathcott and Competitions Manager Conor Charlton — were luckily on-hand to clean up the mess with the ceremonial shovel.

Third place went to a gem of other sorts, as Hanoverian mare Diamond, ridden by Kyle King, of the USA, beat 21 other horses to finish in 68.28s, nearly five seconds behind Pandora 258, who completed her clear winning round in 63.37s. 

Scroll down for a round-up of today’s other winners….

Charlie Jacobs (USA) and Camila 111 won The Herd Junior/Amateur 1.40m. Spruce Meadows Media/Tony Lewis

Katie Laurie (AUS) also won the 1.30m Friends of the Meadows, this time with Pretty Women. Spruce Meadows Media/Bart Onyszko

Nora Nauss (USA), with Global Jativia, placed first in The Friends of the Meadows Junior/Amateur 1.30m. Spruce Meadows Media/Bart Onyszko

Mandy Porter (USA) with Krodine SW took top spot in The Friends of the Meadows 1.20m. Spruce Meadows Media/Kevin Udahl

Samantha Davis (USA), and Diamondo SZ, with their first-place ribbon from The Friends of the Meadows 1.10m. Spruce Meadows Media/Kevin Udahl

Ava Lotoski (CAN) and Phillipe won The Friends of the Meadows 1.00m. Spruce Meadows Media/Kevin Udahl